The Rider

The Rider
The Rider

It’s just me.  No real mystery here.  At the time of writing this, I am the ripe old age of 41.  I have done quite a bit up to now, though it may seem simple to some of you.  Had a normal suburban American childhood.  Parents are still together, after 46 years.  One sibling, a younger sister.  I have 2 nieces and one brother in law.  All very normal.

Went to normal grade school and a normal middle school.  I went to a local private Catholic high school.  No, I am not Catholic, they just happened to be the best in the city.  I attended the US Air Force Academy for 2 years, and then went to Indiana University.  From there, I started working, and haven’t stopped.  I was married for 5 years, no children.  My car is paid off, as is my house.  You know, because I was only married for 5 years, and I have no kids.

Some would say I have way too many hobbies.  I would probably have to agree, if I sat down and figured out everything I spend on them.  But I won’t, because it would probably make me sick.  Lets say I have been very involved in photography, cinematography, renaissance fairs, World of Warcraft, computers, movies and music.  I want to do more, have more adventures.  Outside the house rather than in a computer world.

This is why I ride.  I want to leave the house behind for a while and get out and see our wonderful country.  I want to meet the salt of the Earth and connect on a personal level.  I want to watch the pavement fly under my wheels as I cross from town to town, from county to county,  from state to state, and eventually from country to country.  The USA and North America is a wonder area of the world, and it is time for me to see it.

I have created  this website so that I may share my experiences as I travel on the Raven.